Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don Delillo By Erika Sanchez (Literary)

In the 1980’s there were many famous and talented authors. A well known and talented was Don Delillo. He was a novelist and author. Delillo was born November 20, 1936 in New York City. He was very intelligent and talented. Delillo graduated from Fordham University in 1958 and was an advertising copywriter during the early 1960’s. Since he was born he was meant to be a writer and he loved doing it. Some of the themes he would use were the excesses of consumerism. Mass culture and politics in American society.
One of his famous novel happened to be published in 1985. In 1985 “White Noise” was very famous. This novel was about death and technology. “White Noise” made Delillo wins his first widespread recognition. This well known novel tells about Jack Gladney a college professor who must deal with a toxic chemical cloud that threatens himself and his family. “White Noise” was a very interesting novel that made Delillo an outstanding writer.
This man was very goal achievement person. He had many novels as is known but some of his other novels were “Players” in 1977, “Running Dog” in 1978. “The Names” in 1982 and “Mao 2” in 1991 also “The Body Artist” in 2001 and “Cosmopolis” in 2003. As we all know and notice he has a lot of novels. But Delillo did not just have novels he also had short stories and plays such as “The Day Room” in 1987 and “Valparaiso” in 1999. Don Delillo is a great author and novelist that are very well awarded.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Computers by Cynthia Pineda (science)

On January 3 1980 Hewlett Packard introduces its HP-85. A microcomputer with 16kB of RAM and a 5-inch CRT display. This was the first personal computer invented. Also in the 1981 toward the end of the year Apple and Lisa and Mac was created. They also formed the first Microsoft’s Windows 98. Hercules and Labtec and Maxtor were found in 1982. In July 9, 1982 Disney releases a movie Tron and used a computer generated special effects. The Apple contains 64 kilobytes of RAM one megahertz 6502 processor and running Apple soft Basic and was sold for $1,400. By 1983 there were about 10 million computers in use just in the United States. On May 3, 1984 in Austin Texas the computer Dell was found. Also in 1984 the Yellow book of CD-ROM standards is written. Microsoft on December 9, 1987 introduced Windows 2.0. By 1988 about 45 million PC’s are in use in the United States. By 1989 the 53 inc. was found.
Every year in the 1980’s a new type was found but the ones who still are known today are Dell, Mac, and Apple and HP, which means they had a full success on creating a personal computer. That if the numbers where 45 million people now it must be doubled or tripled. Computers where a success, and was the best idea Hewlett Packard fist came up with. So thank you to him because if it was not for him and the rest for all the computers technology wouldn't be so amazing.

Some of the prices paid for computers in the 1980's
· Amiga 500 with Color Monitor $849 New York 1988
· Daisy Wheel Printer $289.00 New York 1988
· IBM PC $895 New York 1988
· Logitech Mouse $89.99 New York 1988
· PC 30 mb Hard Disc with monitor 512k memory $1,249 New York 1988
· Star NX 1000 Printer $189 New York 1988
· Tandy 1000 Computer and Monitor $999 Ohio 1985
· TRS 80 PC1 $149.95 Maryland 1982

Friday, May 22, 2009

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill by Itzia Angel (Event)

The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in the Prince William Sound Alaska. On Monday March 24, 1989 it considered one of the most devastating human caused environmental disasters even to occur at sea as significant as the Exxon Valdez spill was it ranks will sown on the list worlds largest. Oil Spills in terms or volume released however Prince William sound remote. Location at 9:12 pm on March 24 bound for Long Beach, California. A harbor pilot guided the ship though the Valdez narrows before leaving the ship and returning control to Joseph Jeffery Harzelwood. The ship's master the ship maneuvered out of the shipping. Lane to avoid icebergs. Following the maneuver and sometimes after 11 pm, Hazelwood departed. The wheel house he left third mate Gregory cosigns in charge of the wheel house and Ablen Seaman. Tobert Kaga at the helm, both of whom not giving their mandatory 6 hours off duty before their 12 hour duty began. The ship was on autopilot so that the navigation system innately by the company which icebergs so the ships Hazewood, got permission from the coast guard to go out though the inbound lane. The ship struck blight reef at around 12:04 am March 24, 1989 beginning three days after the vessel. Ground a storm pushed rage quantities of fresh oil onto the rocky shores of many of the beaches in the knight island chain.

The ship was carrying 53.1 million U.S. gallons of oil, of which 10.8 millions U.S. gallons where spilled into the Prince William Sound. The first clean up response was through the use of a dispersant and sufactant and solvent mixture a private company applied on March 24 with a helicopter and dispersant buckerts. because their was not enough wave action to mix the dispersant with the oil in the water. The spill isolated in a reigion of the spill isolated from the rest by another explostion the test was relative successful. Readucing 113,400 liters of remo vable residue but because of unfavorable water no additional burning was attemted in this clean up. Thousands of animals affected died immediately, the best estimate includes 250,000 to as many as 500,000 seabirds at least 1,000 sea atters and approximately 12 river otters and 300 hardbour seals, and 22 orcas as well as the destruction of billions salmon and herring birds.

SF Earthquake by Jessica Lopez (event)

In 1986 largest earthquake to hit the SF bay area since 1906 and the most severe earthquake in California since 1952. This event occurred on October 17, 1989 at about 5:04 pm Pacific daylight time. It was calculated with a magnitude of 7.1. It lasted about 15 to 20 seconds. Leaving about 63 dead and 3,757 injured an over whelming 8 to 12 thousand people where left homeless. But a couple days later the number of deaths was created to 300 people due to a baseball game the earthquake accrued was the Oakland A's v.s. the SF Giants.

Destroying many buildings, homes, and bridges the cost to repair the city was 13 billion property damage. This became one of the most expensive natural disasters in United States at the time. With most damage occurring in San Francisco and Oakland major structural damage was around buildings, and freeways. The bay area bridge was also affected. Many fires due to broken gas lines were reported. Since the total 13 billion dollars to repair the damages was very overwhelming president George W. Bush singed a $3.45 billion earthquake relief package for California.

Event Airline 123 By Jessica Lopez (event)

The Boeing 747 st was an aircraft designed to use on short, high density routes. and since it was a lower fuel capacity its capable of carrying over 550 passengers. On Monday August 12 people in Kyushu in Japan did just that with 509 passengers for airplane took off flight headed to their destination to the industrial city of Osaka. Couple minutes later however to emergency transporter code appeared on their screen 7700 meant emergency squawk for aircraft in distress.
Trying to return the airplane back to the airport it was difficult to even try. Then the aircraft sutured and explosive decompression of its rear vertical tail plane, falling a 15 feet section of leading edge making all flying controls useless crashing into the lover slopes of mount Osaka killed all but 4 people on board. The cause was later determined to be an improper repainted rear pressure bulkhead when had been repaired by being a couple years before. This is the worlds worst accident involving a single airplane.

Mt. St. Helen by Erika Sanchez (Event)

In the 1980's there were many scientific discoveries but one of the main ones was defitenetly the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. This eruption was the worse volcanic disaster in the United Sates history. The date it eripted was May 18, 1980 at 8:32 AM. Mt. St. Helens is approximately 40,000 years old, a very active volcano. This volcano was fisr discovered by Eroupean when British commander George Vancouver spotted Mt. St. Helen from the mountain after his fellow contry man, Alleyne Fitzherbert, the Baron St. Helen.

Mt. St. Helen has had many eruptions geologic evidence say that Mt. St. Helens erupted around 1,600 and 1,700. 1,800 and during the 26-year span of 1931 to 1957 after 1857 the volcano grew quiet. On March 20, 1980 a 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck underneath Mt. St. Helens. This was an alert to scientist that the volcano had reawakened and was active. In March 27 small explosions occur clowing a 250-foot hole in the mountain and released a plume of ash. These kind of explosions continued to happen for the next month. In April a large bulge started to grow quickly pushing five feet a day. The buldge reached a mile in length by the end of April. The day had came and on May 18, 1980, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck under Mt. St. Helens. In less than 10 seconds the bulge and a surroundings are fell away in a gigantic rock avalanche. This creeated a gap in the mountain. This gap allowed was very bag that the noise was even heard in Montana and California. But those who were close to Mt. St. Helens didnt hear anything. This avalanche grew quickly in sizwe as it went down the mountain doing 70 to 150 miles per hour. This big blast killed everything in a 100 square mile area. In less than 10 minutes the plume of ash had reached 10 miles high. This eruption was nine hours long. Scientists and other who were caught in the area had no way out. 57 people were killed. They think about 7,000 large animals. This eruption felled entire forests. Mt. St. Helens is now only 8,363 feet tall and 1,314 feet shorter than it was before the explosion. This will not be last sruption from this very volcano.

New Treatment for Diseases By Jessica (science)

Research money allowed for studies to continue and new treatments for heart, cancer, and other diseases were found. Dr.Joseph Goldstein and Micheal Nrown were sponsored by the AHA were awarded the Nobel Price in Physiology in the research of the role of low-density protein receptors in controlling blood cholesterol's levels. This research provided new insights into the ways fatty cholesterol enters body cells and way cholesterol's levels may become high. This could cause heart disease.
Accordingly to save research clone but healthy bay news, women who received radiation treatment for breast cancer during the 1980's appear to beat high risk of getting heart disease. But even with this disease didn't stop the reaction for breast cancer. Only because radiation treatment has been proven in other studies to improve the chances of breast Cancers are survival!

Geraldine Anne Ferraro by Itzia Angel (Figure)

Geraldine Anne Ferraro was born on August 26, 1935 in New York who's parents wore Italian immigrants she was an American attorney and former of the Unites States House of Representatives. She was the first female Vice President candidate representing a Major American political party Ferraro grew up in New York and became a teacher and lawyer. in 1974 she joined the Queen Country District Atourney's office.

When she heard the new special victims. Bureau that deal with sex crimes, child abuse and domestic violence. she was elected to congress in 1984, former Vice President and Presidential candidate Walter Mondale selected Ferraro to be his running mate in the upcoming election. In doing so she also became the only Italian American to be a major party national nominee. the positive polling receives when when joined him did not last until November ad they where deferred in an electoral landslide by incumbent president Ronald Reagan and Vice President George W. Bush.

She wan campaigns for a seat in the United States Senate in 1992 & 1998. Both times emergence as the from runner for her party's nomination, but she lost in the primaries both times. she served as a United States Senate to the United National Commission on Human Rights from 1993 until 1996 in the Presidential administration of Bill Clinton. During the Presidential elections of 2008, she served as a fun racier for Hillary Clinton. An uproar following controversial remarks Ferraro made about roles of sexism and race in the elections led to her resignation.

"I went from being the kid who lost his father at the age of 8 and who lived in South Bronx to almost going to line in the White House"
"That just tells you what this country is all about"

Ferraro, who will turn 70 in August and serves as president of the global consulting firm G&L Strategies. "That just tells you what this country is all about"

"All these phenomenal things. I want to focus on the fact that it is not me, personally, so much as it is the campaign and the candidacy, because I do think it made a difference for this country."

Literacy Beloved by david torres (Literary)

Beloved is a winning award novel by Nobel laureate Toni Morrison. The novel was based on the life and the slave Margaret Garner. The book refers to the estimated number of slaves who died in the slave trade. In 1998 the novel was made into a film with same name starring Oprah Winfrey.

Ronald Reagon Got Shot by David Torres (event)

The assassination attempt happened on March 30, 1981 with only 69 days of being president. While he was leaving a speaking in Washington D.C. President Reagan and three others were shot by John Hinckley Jr.Reagan was the first president to survive getting shot in a assassination attempt

Berlin Wall Event by David Torres (event)

Berlin Wall Event
The Berlin Wall was a barrier
circling West and East of Berlin separating them from the German Democratic Republic. The German border Split the border between East and West Germany. Both borders became a symbole as a Iron curtain between Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc.

The wall split East Germany from West Germany for a long period of time. The day construction started was on August 13 1961. The wall opened November
9th 1989. In The 1980’s at least 98 people were killed trying to cross the Wall to get to West Berlin. More than 200 people were killed trying to migreat from East to West Berlin.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sally Ride by Erika Sanchez (Figure)

One important historical figure of the 1980’s was Sally Kristen Ride. Sally Ride was born on May 26, 1951 in Endocino, California. Ride was really good at playing tennis. She started playing when she was ten. Ride even won a tennis scholarship to West lake school for girls in Los Angeles. When Sally graduated in 1968 she attended Swarthmore College. After a couple of months Sally decided that tennis was not her thing and she was not good enough to become pro. So she put tennis in her past and enrolled herself at Stanford University.

When Sally was 27 already with BA and BS and masters degrees she was a PhD looking for postdoctoral work in astrophysics. She happens to read about NASA’s call for astronauts in the Stanford University paper. Thirty-five happen to be accepted, six of whom were women and Sally Ride was one of them. Ride joined NASA in 1977 and underwent extensive training. She really enjoyed flight training.

In 1983, Dr. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space on the shuttle challenger (STS-7) her next flight was an eight-day mission. In 1984 on challenger (STS 41-g) Sally Ride had more than 343 hours of space flight. She was preparing for her third mission when challenger exploded in 1986. The training was suspended so she was appointed to the presidential commission to investigate the incident. Sally moved to NASA headquarters in Washington DC there she was assistant to the NASA.

In 1987 Sally Ride retired from NASA and became a science fellow at the center for international security and arms control at Stanford University. When two years passed Sally was named director of the California space institute and was a teacher of physics at the University of California. Ride encourages a lot of women to study science and math. After all her achievements she has made she has received numerous awards and has written or collaborated on five children’s books. For all this Sally Ride is a very important figure of the 1980’s.