Saturday, May 23, 2009

Computers by Cynthia Pineda (science)

On January 3 1980 Hewlett Packard introduces its HP-85. A microcomputer with 16kB of RAM and a 5-inch CRT display. This was the first personal computer invented. Also in the 1981 toward the end of the year Apple and Lisa and Mac was created. They also formed the first Microsoft’s Windows 98. Hercules and Labtec and Maxtor were found in 1982. In July 9, 1982 Disney releases a movie Tron and used a computer generated special effects. The Apple contains 64 kilobytes of RAM one megahertz 6502 processor and running Apple soft Basic and was sold for $1,400. By 1983 there were about 10 million computers in use just in the United States. On May 3, 1984 in Austin Texas the computer Dell was found. Also in 1984 the Yellow book of CD-ROM standards is written. Microsoft on December 9, 1987 introduced Windows 2.0. By 1988 about 45 million PC’s are in use in the United States. By 1989 the 53 inc. was found.
Every year in the 1980’s a new type was found but the ones who still are known today are Dell, Mac, and Apple and HP, which means they had a full success on creating a personal computer. That if the numbers where 45 million people now it must be doubled or tripled. Computers where a success, and was the best idea Hewlett Packard fist came up with. So thank you to him because if it was not for him and the rest for all the computers technology wouldn't be so amazing.

Some of the prices paid for computers in the 1980's
· Amiga 500 with Color Monitor $849 New York 1988
· Daisy Wheel Printer $289.00 New York 1988
· IBM PC $895 New York 1988
· Logitech Mouse $89.99 New York 1988
· PC 30 mb Hard Disc with monitor 512k memory $1,249 New York 1988
· Star NX 1000 Printer $189 New York 1988
· Tandy 1000 Computer and Monitor $999 Ohio 1985
· TRS 80 PC1 $149.95 Maryland 1982

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