Friday, June 5, 2009

Wayne Williams by Jessica Lopez (figure)

Wayne Williams was born and raised in Atlanta’s Dixte Hills neighborhood. For his living he ran an amateur radio station from his parent’s house. He was well known in the area for scouting local musicians particularly teenagers. He had his own personal beliefs which later on in life connected him to a series of murders. He resented and even hated other African Americans. He also had a bad reputation in his community of mating really impressive stories about himself that were not true. And before his conduction of the murders he was only arrested in 1976 but never convicted at impersonating a police officer.
His first became suspect of the murders when in 1981 a state out team heard a loud water splash and Wayne was later seen living the area. He became a suspect only because three days later a nude body of 27 year old Nathaniel Carter was found in the river. Later investigated Wayne became the number1 suspect of the murder because he failed a polygraph test, and hairs and fibers of one of the victims was said to belong to Wayne. He was later sentenced to two consecutive terms ok line imprisonments. And know 51 years old he still maintains his innocence.

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